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jueves, marzo 16, 2006

Anti-War Rally, March 18

Dear sisters, brothers and friends,

The Global Women’s Strike is a co-sponsor of the March 18 anti-war protest in Los Angeles and you are invited to march with us, our banner will read: “From New Orleans to Haiti to Iraq to Los Angeles – Mothers, Daughters, Sisters, Wives: Fighting for Our Loved Ones’ Lives” (eng/Spanish). Of course you are invited to bring your own banners and signs. We will meet at 12 noon at Hollywood and Argyle (one blk east of Vine). The protest is coordinated by the ANSWER Coalition.

We march because as millions are poured into weapons, war and occupation, millions of poor mainly Black people were left to die in toxic filthy water in New Orleans. Internationally Katrina was the most covered event since 911 - the whole world saw the racism of Bush and US society. Post Katrina, survivors have been evicted from hotels and motels by FEMA, are locked out of housing in New Orleans and are denied the compensation needed to rebuild their homes and lives among other abuse. This is all part of the racial cleansing being implemented by the Bush administration; New Orleans, a city that was 70-80% Black is now only predicted by the Bush team to become 36% Black.

Meanwhile Halliburton was given a no-bid contract to rebuild New Orleans and they are exploiting immigrant labor in the process, and NGO’s and other careerists are cashing in on the suffering of others while so-called elected officials and other “leaders” remain largely silent. While military budgets are the highest in history, those suffering from “natural disasters” in the Gulf, Guyana, Guatemala, Pakistan, India and elsewhere brought on by global warming and made worse by government neglect and corruption are abandoned. And as in war and occupation, when disasters strike women are the most impacted and following disasters women do most of the work of reconstruction, a fact rarely acknowledged including in movements for change.

The Global Women's Strike will also be marching not only against war and the return of the $1 trillion a year spent on weapons and war (half by the US alone), but also in support of the revolutions in Bolivia, Haiti and Venezuela which are changing our world. Women are central to these revolutions, though not always prominent or even visible. In Haiti, the movement that defeated slavery and Napoleon over 200 years ago, is demanding an end to US-UN occupation. In Bolivia, the election of the first Indigenous president by another massive movement which reversed the privatization of water by the US multinational Bechtel Corporation and reclaimed its gas, marks the beginning of great changes. In Venezuela, the revolutionary movement has soared ahead, undermining poverty, and prioritizing health care, education, land and food security for all. These three countries are showing the way, bringing closer the end of war.

More info and/or to march with us 323-292-7405, or respond to this email. Also please send this email on to your email lists. On the day 323-574-7776

We look forward to seeing you.

Power to the sisters to change the world.

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