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martes, marzo 28, 2006

cops shocked by Walkouts

Hey everyone

I was talking to a cop I know in one of the nearby cities where students walked out. He said that the cops were shocked as hell. He said they were really surprised because they have “intelligence” personnel monitoring all the public schools that are suppose to warn them when students are planning on doing something major and that this caught them all off guard.

He said what was even more surprising was that the students were all very well organized. That it started in one school, they marched to another, then that school heard them outside so they walked out, then they repeated this over and over again to schools miles away until they met at a park called Cesar Chavez park where Mariachis and other students were waiting.

He said that not only were they well behaved, but he was shocked when he noticed the students “checking” the cholos that showed up. He said he heard them tell them something like “Hey! Not today! Don’'t fuck it up for all of us!” He said the march even caused internal division between the brown and white cops on the force because the white cops were offended that the brown cops were supporting the kids as long as they didn’t do anything violent.

Crazy, huh?

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