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martes, marzo 28, 2006

East Valley Walkouts


March 27, 2006
The Valley was crackin' yesterday with over 1500 students taking over the streets...many with their paliacates on their faces.  Mexican, Salvadorean and U.S. flags being waved.  We were in the East Valley supporting these youngsters and to say the least...I was truly inspired. 
I saw one student who wrote on the back of his shirt, "I'm illegal, but I'm still here!"  Africano students with Mexican flags marching in solidarity.  Some of the students we work with were there and they were amazed at the fact that young people from all the different hoods in the East Valley could come together in peace.  Students from Sylmar, Kennedy, San Fernando, Poly, North Hollywood, Grant, Monroe H.S. were there together.  They marched to the Van Nuys City Hall and filled the square with chants screaming "Latinos!" "El pueblo unido jamas sera vencido!"  One young womyn walking down Van Nuys Blvd. screamed out, "I'm Mexican and I'm proud, thatz my music" as a car rolled by bumpin' some rancheras.
Along with students were mothers and other adults who joined them.  Some M.E.Ch.ista's were out there supporting students as well as some teachers and high school counselors.  I was impressed with a large group of middle school students that walked out all together and seemed to be organized cuz the remained on the sidewalk chanting.  We spent a few hours giving out water to students encouraging them to continue. 
There were reports of police shooting at students with rubber bullets and using their batons to beat people.  The courage these young people have to face the police speaks to another level of consciousness where we fight to survive and are tired our being beat down by the system, physically, mentally and spiritually.
There was an excitment in the air, one of great hope...and to say the least, they are our oxygen that sustains our struggle and breathes life into our hopes and dreams.

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