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La Jornada > Cobertura de "La otra campaña"

Nodos Comunes

.. Caosmosis ..

Rage One (blog)

miércoles, marzo 29, 2006

Que orgullo! (Sacramento)

1 comentario

I am still still feeling euphoric about the marches and walkouts that have been succesfully executed the last couple of weeks, especially the ones on the 25th.  This is such on opportunity to advance our agenda for equality, justice and self determination!  Everyone that attended a march over the weekend can still feel the power that we have when we unite.
I live in Sacramento and we were succesful in getting 7,000 marchers on the 25th.  This is huge for Sacramento because our Mexicano/Indigenous communities are very repressed and made to feel that we have no rights.  And yet the spirit of resistance is still present amongst many who participated and even those who stayed home and saw the coverage on TV.  Students continue to walk out and excercise their people power. 
It is imporant for all community organizers to continue building on this movement and not let those millions who marched down.  They have given us their trust and we must continue walking together with a unified vision. 
Many are "cantando victoria" after the judiciary deleted some provisions in the hr4437 bill, but there is still a lot of bad provisions that we need to fight against.
We cannot take what they give us, we must make sure that we make them meet our demands, or else!  Let us not forget our people power, I trully believe that this is the time to create an American continent with no borders, no countries, no flags and a continent that is run by those who take care of the land.  POWER TO THE PEOPLE!


Unknown dijo...

Gracias! I appreciate the concept of this Blog: De Todos Para Todos' and agree with the wise words posted up.

I was born and raised in Sacramento. Thus, it was good to see the awakening and other awakenings that are happenings among La Raza.

These are critifcal times for our people and for all people upon Mother Earth.

We had some great gente that came together and helped us have a great Sacra Marcha.

Sac Bee: March voices Latino anger:

Cesar Chavez March to Cesar Chavez Plaza--Sacra:

Key Link: Pictures of LA MARCHA
En Los Angeles
Sabado, March 25, 2006

We must settle all our surface differences, unite with all peoples and let not race, color, tongue or national origin divide the beauty of our unity!

No human being is an illegal alien who is born on Mother Earth!

What is to be done?

We should work on basic language learnng classes, citizenship classes and let us not forget to teach computer literacy skills to our gente to help us bridge the divide between the 'haves' and the 'have-nots'!

We must also make sure to register to vote all who can and educate ourselves about current events. It is still the ballot or the bullet!

Let us exhaust all legal, peaceful and democratic means of struggle. Our truth is our greatest weapon!

La Marcha goes on! Let us make sure to stay awake!

Que Viva Cesar Chavez!Venceremos!
Peta de Aztlan
Humane Liberation Party
Sacra, Califas

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