Floricanto Press presents new titles on the Collected works of Bruno Esta�ol, a leading short story writer, who has gained strong following in the United States, Europe, Latin America, particularly Mexico; the poetry--Jalape�o Blues-- of Trinidad S�nchez, Jr, a well-known Latino poet, who has captured vast audiences in the United States with his lyric social commentary; La Picard�a Chicana: Latino Folk Humor. Folklore Latino Jocoso by Jos� R. Reyna, a life work, thirty-years of research, explores the rich satirical tradition of popular Mexican, Chicano cultures; and Luis Zapata's Strongest Passion is a novel of sexual discovery, love and Latino gay passion; Crypto-Jews living among Hispanics in the Southwest; Illegal immigration and the perspective of Mexican-Americans on this pressing controversy. The issues of self-identity, and historical roots between borders are also explored in seminal titles, such as The Salvation of the Pur�sima, and Mexican American Identity. Bruno Esta�olPicard�a Chicana
Strongest Passion
Inter American Development/Floricanto Press
650 Castro St., Suite 120-331
Mountain View, California 94041-2055
Telephone: (415) 552 1879 Fax (702) 995 1410
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