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La Jornada > Cobertura de "La otra campaña"

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.. Caosmosis ..

Rage One (blog)

domingo, junio 18, 2006

"Y Si Nos Echan----Nos Regresamos!"

by Debbie LeAnce Sunday, Jun. 18, 2006 at 1:11 AM

We are Here, and We are Not Going. And if you take us Away-- We will Return!

"Y Si Nos Echan...

Where else does this happen?
Where else do people congregate around a warehouse infested, air polluted, poverty enducing community, leaving their homes and beds behind to sleep on a sidewalk in South Central Los Angeles?

350 Campesinos and their familes plus their long stretching extension of solidarity and supporting families have been locked out of their gardens and community space.

Yet, still, they do not leave. They [supporters of the farm] continue to congregate, serving meals 3 times a day, plant flowers, herbs, and vegetablesa round the dusty soil surrounding the sidewalks.

They sing, play jaranas and guitars.

Where else can you imagine that people would be so connected to a piece of land, and to a community that has grown and nurtured because of this land, that they would continue to stand even on the outside of the fence blockading it, just to be near to this land?

The South Central Farm has for almost 14 years now continued to give birth to something far greater than anyone could have imagined. The farm was created as an instrument of healing from the pains of the L.A. Riots in 1992, and has grown since then to encompass an environmental unlike any other in Los Angeles.

Today people drove in from all sorts of distances--some, just a couple blocks, others---a handful of states across the country to be a part of the on-going struggle to keep the South Central Farm. The activities today included planting nopales, tomatoes, white sage, herbs, flowers, and so on around the perimeter of the farm where farmers and their supporters are now forced into being due to the eviction.

Any given day to visit this farm which is now really the sidewalk perimeter of the farm, you will see vehicles ranging from mini-vans, or nearly broken down station wagons, to giant SUV's driving by honking their horn yelilng "Si se Puede!" as i saw today coming from a vehicle driven by what appeared to be African Americans.

You will also see an constant incoming of neighbors dropping by w/ warm tortillas and nopales to serve to the campers and volunteers, or dropping off cases and cases of waters, juices, and snack items.

This is truly an experience like no other which even at the forced eviction of this farm still cannot be stopped.

This farm cannot, and will not be stopped. The South Central Farm is destined to survive, just as a reflection to her gente around this farm who continue to survive and propser despite grotesque environmental racism, police brutality, economic exploitation, etc.

"Que Vive the South Central Farm!
Que Vive la Gente de Sur Central Los Angeles!
Que Vive la comunidad del South Central Farm!

"Aqui Estamos, y No Nos Vamos!
Y Si nos echan, Nos Regresamos!"

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