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Rage One (blog)

miércoles, julio 19, 2006

Come hear Haitian Women Activists July 22 (Los Angeles)

lease help spread the word and circulate to your email lists

Welcome Port au Prince-based

Haitian Women Activists
on their first visit to LA!

Saturday, July 22, 5-8 pm

Golden State Mutual Bldg, 1999 W. Adams

Corner Adams & Western, Western exit off 10 Fwy one block south, parking entrance one block east on Hobart St.

Donation: $5-$10, more if you can. No one turned away. After expenses all funds go to grassroots womens organizations in Haiti o Translation o Auditorium is wheelchair accessible*

An unprecedented opportunity to hear about the situation on the ground in Haiti

directly from two grassroots women:

u Ginette Apollon: President of the Commission of Women Workers within one of the largest labor federations in Haiti, the Confederation des Travailleurs Haitiens (CTH). Founding member and President of the community-based Centre de Reintegration Economique et Sociale des Femmes Haitiennes (Center for economic and social reintegration of Haitian Women). Ginette is a grassroots activist and community organizer who works with women and youth in urban and rural Haiti.

u Rea Dol: Co-founder and Director of SOPUDEP school for children and young people in Port-au-Prince. She is the Coordinator of a federation of womens organizations that focuses on womens rights, education, economic empowerment and social justice. Rea is a member of the Society of Providence United for the Development of Petionville (SOPUDEP).

Margaret Prescod, host of Sojourner Truth on KPFK radio and of Women of Color in the

Global Womens Strike, will chair.

Ginette Apollon and Rea Dol are well known and respected among grassroots women and men in Haiti as strong spokeswomen who work against sexism, poverty and corruption. They will discuss:

Ø What is the situation on the ground following the election of René Preval as President of Haiti; what are the demands of the grassroots?

Ø How has the US-backed coup and UN occupation impacted women and others who have the least?

Ø What is the situation with political prisoners?

Ø How are women and men organizing in the poorest urban and rural communities?

Ø What can we do to support Haitian grassroots efforts?

Haiti, born in the successful revolt against the French by those they had enslaved, became the first Black Republic and led the way for emancipation throughout the Americas. Haiti provided refuge for Simon Bolivar, the liberator of Latin America, and gave him ships and fighters.

After the Haitian Revolution, France demanded reparations for the loss of their slaves & for the cost of the war, and the US led a 60-year economic boycott. Haiti has been occupied 14 times. It is now the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. Most recently, its first democratically elected President, Jean Bertrand Aristide, was forced from office in a US backed coup; Haiti is now occupied by UN troops.

KPFK Radio 90.7 FM is the media sponsor for this event

Sponsors include: Danny Glover; Eastside Café; Hari Dillon, President, Vanguard Foundation; Vanguard Foundation

Co-sponsored by: ANSWER-LA, Haiti Information Project; Kevin Pina; UCLA Labor Center. Endorsed by: Alexandria House, Ben Guillory, CISPES, CEMOTAP-West (Committee to Eliminate Media Offensive to African People), Every Mother is a Working Mother Network, IAC-LA, Jeb Sprague, Office of the Americas, Pan African Activist Coalition.

Event coordinated by the Global Womens Strike/LA

For info: 323-292-7405 or

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