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La Jornada > Cobertura de "La otra campaña"

Nodos Comunes

.. Caosmosis ..

Rage One (blog)

lunes, julio 31, 2006

Huge demonstration and encampment against fraud / Enorme marcha y campamento contra el fraude (Mexico City, photos / DF, fotos)


fotos de / pictures from: / la jornada /

Following Sunday's demonstration, which according to local authorities friendly to Andres Manuel López Obrador brought more than 2 million people together, permanent encampments were installed in Mexico City's financial district closing its main avenue (Paseo de la Reforma).

Tras la marcha del domingo, que según las autoridades locales simpatizantes de Andres Manuel López Obrador llegó a los 2 millones de participantes, fueron instalados campamentos permanentes en la avenida principal de la zona financiera de la Ciudad de México (Paseo de la Reforma).

(click on the pictures / presiona las fotos)


Doc dijo...

I have linked this to my blog, Camp Liberty

Americans need to learn to do this.

Our elections are stolen too, but it seems most Americans just do not notice or do not care.

Either they work 2 jobs or are wealthy and don't give a rats ass.

Anónimo dijo...

Or they are just scared.

Anónimo dijo...

Hi..i participated in sundays demonstration...the media, specially radio and tv, completely ignored te is very clear that president Fox, the top business men, and the national action party (PAN) want to keep power at any cost, backed by the US and Spanish governments (both with huge economic interests in Mexico)...please try to raise awareness and help the mexican people..all we ask is for a recount of ballots and votes, to give us certainty there was no fraud in the presidential elections, we are beeing denied by the government that argues a recount is illegal...thanks and good luck to all.

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