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Rage One (blog)

miércoles, septiembre 06, 2006

Sunday, September 3rd, Three People Killed by Police in Los Angeles in One Night

1 comentario

Over the Holiday weekend, the police went on an onslaught murdering three young people.

On the night of September 3, the police killed in three different neighborhoods in Los Angeles.

In Watts, the police killed a young Black man because they said he had a gun.

In Pasadena, they killed a young Latina woman after a police pursuit, in front of her baby because the police said she had a gun that was never found.

In Santa Monica, after a fight in a club the police arrived with shotguns and semi-automatic weapons and shot a young man who was running from them in the back -- because the police said that he had shot at them (but he was shot in the back when he was running).

The police have always used the excuse that somebody is armed, to give them an opportunity to murder them. This is an example of role the police play in our communities. They are not there as the good guys, or the ones who are there to help, protect, and serve us, but they are there to act as an occupying army who openly terrorize us and especially young working class people of color. They execute us in the streets, put us on the gang data base, lock us up, harrass us, and humiliate us -- but our communities are tired and we will continue to fight on our own to rid ourselves of police brutality and organize ourselves.

Communities who are organizing themselves and connecting through Cop Watch Los Angeles want autonomy and self-determination. We want to build a culture of observing the police, taking direct action, and defending ourselves and our communities. We want to stop this murder and state terrorism for good.

We want to provide support for the families who are being targeted by the police and who have suffered because of the police state that we live under.

Let's continue to build this movement...


Unknown dijo...

Fascism is alive and well inside the United States. The local police see how Amerikan mercenaries get away with murder in Iraq and figure they can do the same here in Aztlan without any public outcry. ~Peta

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