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lunes, febrero 19, 2007

Dec 2006 / Jan 2007 Chiapas News Summary (encuentro, la Otra in Nor-Cal, Oaxaca, Viejo Velasco)

2006 / January 2007 Chiapas News Summary

I. Zapatistas & the International Campaign - The big Zapatista news was, of course, the Encuentro between the Zapatista Peoples and the Peoples of the World, held in the Caracol of Oventik over New Years. Attended by more than 2,000 representatives of organizations adhered to the campaign, the theme of the Encuentro was autonomy. Civilian Zapatista support bases took center stage and reported on how they had constructed their autonomous government, the "other" health, education, culture, land and women’s rights. Another 4,000 or so indigenous Zapatistas attended, packing Oventik’s outdoor theater space. Another International meeting is scheduled for the last week in July 2007 in the 5 Zapatista Caracoles: Oventik; La Realidad; Roberto Barrios, Morelia and La Garrucha.

II. Zapatistas & the Other Campaign - A communiqué is expected in February regarding the second stage of the Other Campaign. That is the stage when commanders from the Sixth Commission will travel to various parts of Mexico to work directly with Other Campaign members. The first stage concluded on November 30 when Subcomandante Marcos finished his tour through all the states of Mexico. At the end of the tour, Marcos met with a group of organizations adhered to the Other Campaign before returning to Chiapas.

III. Other Campaign and International Campaign in Northern California - On the weekend of December 2 and 3, 2006, 50 people got together and formed a Network of those adhered or sympathetic to the Other Campaign and/or the International Campaign. We discussed the questions posed by members of the Other Campaign in Mexico as part of the agenda. It was a great beginning and we hope to add many more people and organizations to the Network as we move forward. We’ll keep you posted on this Network as activities happen.

IV. Oaxaca/APPO - Following the December 4 arrest and imprisonment of APPO leaders, we learned that perhaps as many as 80 percent of the hundreds arrested and thrown in prison during the late November repression were not even members of APPO. Police repression continued to be the norm in Oaxaca, as international human rights observers (the CCIODH) arrived to investigate. Observers confirm rampant torture and human rights abuse, including sexual abuse of both men and women. On January 13, a protest by family members outside a local Oaxacan prison was broken up violently by police, who beat and jailed some of the protesters. Repression by both federal and state police has broken up the sit-in/occupation in Oaxaca City and diminished the number of protesters somewhat, but the movement continues. APPO organized another megamarch on January 10, 2007 calling for the resignation of the Governor. They were surrounded by police while they marched. APPO is composed of approximately 600 organizations, some of which are adhered to the Other Campaign. The EZLN called for several demonstrations in support of APPO and APPO sent representatives to the Encuentro in Oventik. The most recent APPO megamarch demanding the governor’s resignation was held on February 3, 2007 in Oaxaca City. No violence or arrests have been reported. Marchers were not permitted to enter the Zocalo.

V. International Day of Protest for Oaxaca - Protests in support of the people of Oaxaca and its political prisoners were held around the world on December 22 in response the EZLN’s call for an international day of protest. Some political prisoners have been released, but approximately 100 remain imprisoned.

VI. Chiapas: Aftermath of Viejo Velasco - Following the killings in the village of Viejo Velasco, the Organization For the Defense of Indigenous and Campesino Rights (Opddic, its initials in Spanish) issued threats against the Caracoles of La Garrucha and Morelia, claiming that it intended to take back all the “recuperated land” in the possession of those two Good Government Juntas. Articles in La Jornada, reports by the Civilian Observation Commission (of Chiapas) and several interviews during our trip to Chiapas indicate that this paramilitary group is now receiving government funds. Due to its ability to obtain and offer economic support, it has attracted many more members and has greatly increased its size. According to news reports, Opddic may have linked up with some members of the Lacandón Community who are threatening more communities near Viejo Velasco with violent expulsion.

Chiapas Support Committee
P.O. Box 3421
Oakland, CA 94609
Tel: (510) 654-9587

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