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sábado, marzo 17, 2007

Cucapa Camp Report: On Fire and Flowers

Today the compas went fishing but NADA, sad in many ways but spirits have been lifted as many folks from Tj, Ensenada, Mexicali are here today and we´re having a party or a pollada and the compa from peru calls it.

Dujon a nephew of Dennis Banks was with us as part of the Humboldt delegation that came down and before he left told us a story of how when they took DQ an indigenous univeristy in Davis CA they had a fire burning for the 6 months they struggled in achieving thier goal and securing the school. As you all know fire cleanses us but the commitment to keeping this fire burning teaches discipline and also helps reflecting and meditating as well as building trust that others will keep that fire burning but trust in others. As of yesterday the fire has been lit and will remain so till this camp ends but it also burns for Semillas and for all the struggles back home. Remember that this camp is also for us because we´re learning everyday, learning how to be better companeros.

In the words of Don Alfredo who is with us and is the member of the CNI staying here, each of us represents a petal and you need many to create a flower and besides all our misunderstandings, differences, etc it takes many of those unique petals to create those flowers that decorate mother nature and without that unity we would have an ugly world.


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