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jueves, marzo 15, 2007

Special on Immigration: Close to Slavery Under Guestworker Programs and other stories (Democracy Now!)

*Thursday, March 15th, 2007: Listen/Watch entire show.
Click here to buy today's show at our online store.

Close to Slavery: Report Finds Labor Abuses Under Guestworker Programs

As President Bush renews his call for legislation that allows more immigrants to come to the United States as so-called guestworkers, a new report based on thousands of interviews finds widespread worker abuses under the program. We speak with the author of the report and we go to Guatemala to speak with a former guestworker. [includes rush transcript]

Indian Guestworker Slits Wrists After Being Fired for Complaining About Squalid Work Conditions

Hundreds of guest workers from India have begun protesting work conditions at a shipyard in Pascagoula Mississippi owned by the company Signal International. We hear from one Indian guestworker who tried to commit suicide after he was fired and told he was being shipped back to India after going public with his complaints. We also speak with a Mexican guestworker who says his Louisiana employer confiscated his passport and subjected him to humiliating conditions and treatment. [includes rush transcript]

9-Year-Old Canadian Citizen and Iranian Parents Imprisoned in Texas Immigration Jail To Be Allowed Back Into Canada

Three weeks after Democracy Now! first aired the voice of a nine-year-old Canadian boy named Kevin being held in a U.S. immigration prison, the Canadian government has taken steps to allow the boy and his Iranian parents back into Canada. We get an update on Kevin's story. [includes rush transcript]

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