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La Jornada > Cobertura de "La otra campaña"

Nodos Comunes

.. Caosmosis ..

Rage One (blog)

viernes, abril 20, 2007

200 more photos from the Cucapa camp in El Mayor

After being here more time and going out with the community more and more during the fishing expeditions one learns how dangerous fishing really is. From a truck flipping over to one boat getting stuck in the middle of the river because the tide went out too fast, forcing the compas in the boat to try and walk to the edge only to be stuck to their chest in mud then facing the possibility of drowning once the tide started coming in fast.

The fishing of stingrays and filleting them is intense just because those magnificent creatures have always awed us one way or another.

The joy of creating art based on Cucapa and then watching the youth run around with stencils spray painting the logos around the camp and then sharing stories about the animals like the big horn sheep that no so long ago walk these lands in abundance.
From the days when a few only joined us to the first time the camp as a whole worked together with the community as a whole.

To the dust storm that almost destroyed a lot of the work we have done and then watching the community and camp regroup, refocus and grow stronger to continue the same path to everything we've always wanted and needed.
The Cucapá Camp of El Mayor

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