REPORT: The event was a success despite the clouds and the cold!! (BTW, very unusual weather for Los Angeles this time of the year....)
This event created a direct connection between the struggles in Mexico involved in La Otra Campaña and the movements towards autonomy in the U.S., particularly in East Los Angeles. The El Sereno Garden where the event took place is a space where members of the communities in the area have been getting together to connect with the earth and work the land in the middle of the Metropolitan chaos. People closely related and involved in the South Central Farm struggle were present, adherents to La Otra Campaña where involved in the organizing and performing.
We made about 700 dollars after all expenses, 100 will stay in the community garden where the event took place, and 600 will go to the Cucapa Camp in Mexico, near Mexicali, where the fishing rights of the Cucapa indigenous community are being supported by La Otra adherents from Mexico, the US and other places.
Thanks to everybody that came to El Sereno Garden yesterday, and thanks a lot to all the organizers and performers!!


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