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martes, junio 12, 2007

Tongue to Tongue: Provoking Critical Dialogues Among Queer Women of Color

-Please distribute widely -

Extended Submissions deadline: June 30, 2007

Tongue to Tongue (T2T)

Provoking Critical Dialogues Among Queer Women of Color

September 7-9, 2007

Los Angeles, CA


Tongue to Tongue: Provoking Critical Dialogues Among Queer Women of Color is a community-organized three-day dialogue among self-identified queer women of color, including people with transgender, genderqueer and gender non-conforming experiences of womanhood which have traditionally been silenced in women-oriented spaces. T2T will feature workshops, lectures, visual art, film, and performances meant to facilitate real dialogue among participants. Tongue to Tongue believes that provoking honest and difficult dialogue is a critical first step toward building and strengthening community alliances across diverse communities and differences. The goal of this event is to envision concrete plans of action to collaboratively confront the injustices we face through proposals for continued organizing and solidarity building. This social change event aims to deepen analysis of-, broaden dialogue on-, and instigate response to critical issues created out of the intersecting sites of race, class, gender, sexuality, citizenship, and nationalism.

Self-identified queer women of color, transgender, genderqueer, and gender non-conforming people of color are invited to submit proposals for:

• Workshops, panel discussions, guest speakers and forums

• Art and photography exhibitions

• Independent films, music and performances by artists, filmmakers, bands, DJs, etc.

• As well as market-style arts, publications & crafts vendors

Following are possible topics/themes for consideration, but please do not feel limited:

• Gender ● Race ● Sexuality• Poverty/ Labor activism ● Nationality/Immigration ● Culture • Health ● Violence ● Rights (legal, civil, human, immigrant) • Family ● Community organizing ● Solidarity building

We welcome submissions from independent scholars, educators, artists, performers, musicians, academic community and community activists.

Please submit your Submissions Proposal form and any supporting materials to or postal mail to: T2T c/o VIVA/Tongues, 1125 N. McCadden Place,

Los Angeles, CA 90038-1212.

Questions? Email us at

Look for our Submissions Proposal form which will be posted on another bulletin.


Submissions Proposal Form


Mailing Address:

Email Address

Phone Number

Thank you for submitting to T2T! To propose a program/workshop, please answer the following:

• Description of your workshop/exhibit/performance/craft themes and goals. Why do you believe this is interesting and significant, and why do you believe it should be held at T2T? What are the main goals and how would participants benefit from it?

• Your intended audience. Who do you expect to be interested and to benefit from your contribution?

• Organization of the workshop/exhibit/performance/craft and physical set-up needed. Please describe the intended format of the workshop. Are you going to do a presentation, panel discussion, or use other methods for ensuring an interactive atmosphere? What will you need to do this (i.e. PowerPoint, stage, spotlight, tables, etc)?

• How will your proposed program/workshop lead to concrete action plans and/or facilitate real dialogue among participants?

• Organizers’ biography details. Please indicate what background and experience you have in regards to your presentation.

Demographic Information:

Who is YOUR intended audience/participants? Please be as specific as possible.

Please answer the following about you. This information is FOR FUNDING purposes and will be kept confidential and not be used in the event in any way.

Age: ____ under 18 ____ 18-24 ____ 25-39 ____40-54 ____55+


Gender identification:

Sexual orientation/identification:

Where did you hear about Tongue to Tongue?

We look forward to seeing you in September! Please pass this call for submissions along to others who might be interested.

Please submit your Submissions Proposal form and any supporting materials to or postal mail to: T2T c/o VIVA/Tongues, 1125 N. McCadden Place,

Los Angeles, CA 90038-1212.

Questions? Visit or email us at

New submissions deadline: JUNE 30, 2007

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