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sábado, junio 23, 2007



A Video Message from the Zapatistas

Through this new interview with Subcomandante Marcos the Zapatistas send a message to all people struggling for justice all over the world and includes a special message for historically marginalized people including women, gays, lesbians, transgender and indigenous peoples and for immigrants in the U.S.

Screening on the National Stage for the First Time!!

U.S Social Forum in Atlanta
FRIDAY, June 29th,10:30 AM

International E Room
Westin Hotel
210 Peachtree St. (Corner of International Blvd. & Peachtree St.)
The Zapatistas have launched “The Other Campaign” in Mexico and are organizing with women, indigenous peoples, gay, lesbian and transgender people, students, workers, the elderly, youth and the poor to build a new non-electoral national grassroots movement “FROM BELOW AND FOR BELOW” against neoliberalism and for humanity.
As a truly revolutionary grassroots national movement the “Other Campaign” is breaking down the barriers that divide people who struggle against all different forms of oppression and is uniting all sectors of civil society to create a movement that is a horizontal, inclusive, and visionary alternative that actively rejects the electoral process and embraces an entirely “Other” way of doing politics.

This new visionary movement is a model for what is possible here in the U.S. Through the Sixth Declaration of the Lacandon Jungle the Zapatistas have asked that the people of the world walk with them in making this other world possible!!

The Zapatistas delivered this message to Movement for Justice in El Barrio as part of a video dialogue initiated by immigrants struggling for justice in NYC. Movement for Justice in El Barrio is a grassroots organization of Mexican immigrants fighting against gentrification in El Barrio and is part of “The Other Campaign.”

For more information call
Movement for Justice in El Barrio
at 212-561-0555 or e-mail at

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