MEChA de UCLA invites you to a presentation of the tour:
El Fuego y la Palabra/ FIRE and Word
A history of the Zapatista movement
Book reading and video screening with the author,
The film and book "El Fuego y la Palabra" (Fire and Word) is an oral history that recounts from the beginning of the movement of the Zapatista indigenous communities in the state of Chiapas. Their demands are liberty, justice, democracy, land, health, education, and labor rights. The story is told in the simple words of some of the original organizers of the movement. It is an inspiring testimony of hope and resistance. The author, Gloria Munoz, will be coming in to speak about the film and book to provide us with more insight to the compilation of this oral history and the struggles that the indigenous communities in the state of Chiapas have been organizing against.
This event is also a fundraiser. The book and a musical compilation will be sold at the event, so bring your Money!
Wednesday February 13, 2008
Humanities A65
For more information feel free to contact Michelle Mojica:
These presentations are organized by La Otra en el Otro Lado and are part of the “El fuego y la Palabra” campaign
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