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La Jornada > Cobertura de "La otra campaña"

Nodos Comunes

.. Caosmosis ..

Rage One (blog)

miércoles, mayo 24, 2006

Everybody to the South Central Farm!! (May 24, AS SOON AS POSSIBLE) ¡Todos a apoyar a los compas! (AHORA MISMO)

The South Central Farmers and their supporters ask everybody to join them tonight to defend this green space from destruction. Bring your music, your energy, your friends.

Los campesinos del sur-centro y sus simpatizantes están pidiendo a toda la comunidad que los acompañen para defender este lote de tierra de su destrucción. Traigan su música, su energía, a sus amigos.


Mobilization at the SC Farm
by Ch Wednesday, May. 24, 2006 at 12:21 PM

activists throughout LA are being contacted about mobilizing at the South Central Farm
i received this text message arounf 10:30am, which read as follows: "The sherrifs have been given the go ahead to send in the the bulldozers to the farm. We need everyone at the farm asap! Please pass this on" i've spoken to a few of people who are currently at the farm. they've told me that there is a lot of media, and not a lot of police presence. i also spoke to someone part of the farm's leadership; he is asking everyone to call their contacts if they are part of the phone tree. it might be a few hours before something serious happens, but we need to start mobilizing and occupy the space as much possible to prevent any bulldozing. if you are not part of the phone tree, call people anyway. ask them to please go to farm within the next few hours, bring chairs, candles, a camera, etc. If there was ever a time you felt like you wanted to do something for the South Central Farm, NOW IS THE TIME

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