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martes, enero 29, 2008

Beyond Resistance, Everything! An Interview with Subcomandante Insurgente Marcos (El Kilombo)

Announcing the release of Beyond Resistance, Everything! An Interview with Subcomandante Insurgente Marcos.

by El Kilombo Intergaláctico
Published by Paperboat Press

This unique interview with the Zapatista spokesperson and military commander was created and conducted by a community assembly in Durham, North Carolina, as a direct conversation between people in struggle in the United States and the EZLN. Subcomandante Insurgente Marcos talks about people of color in the US, migrant subjectivity, the "we" that the Zapatistas already are and the "we" that they want to become, the world war for the global market, the farce of US government "intelligence" and the wealth of US peoples' struggles. Framed by the organizational efforts of the Sixth Declaration of the Lacandon Jungle and the experiences of the Other Campaign, this conversation marks a moment of change and transformation in how the EZLN has seen and spoken about the possibility of alternative politics in the US and the role of migrants, people of color, and others from below in creating such a politics.

Beyond Resistance, Everything! includes an extension introduction by El Kilombo on the significance and global impact of Zapatismo, as well as an English translation of the Zapatista's Sixth Declaration of the Lacandon Jungle.

"In this interview with El Kilombo, Subcomandante Marcos articulates more clearly than ever before how Zapatista practices can inspire and link up with liberation movements around the world. Read it and imagine how we can begin to do politics differently."
Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri, co-authors of Empire and Multitude

Order online at
Proceeds from the book will go to the Zapatista communities in resistance in Chiapas and to El Kilombo's community programs in Durham.

Please see for information about our speaking tour on the book: "Beyond Resistance: Everything! The Zapatistas, The Other Campaign and US."

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