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jueves, agosto 15, 2013

De Comunidad a Comunidad entrega queja formal ante el Departamento de Trabajo de revocar aplicación h2a


De Comunidad a Comunidad entrega queja formal ante el Departamento de Trabajo de revocar aplicación h2a

-Traduccion por La tiendita Mixteca, gracias!


Filemon Piñeda y su esposa en campo 2. Foto por David Bacon.

Burlington, WA - 15 de agosto de 2013 - Ayer, miembro del comité Filemon Pineda, explicó por qué los trabajadores se sentían estresados y seguro de su lugar en Sakuma Brothers Farms, Inc. Pineda, Mixteco hablando trabajador agrícola con experiencia, ha trabajado en los Estados Unidos desde la década de 2000, a partir de su paso por los Estados Unidos al sur este recogiendo tomates. Trabajó en Santa Maria, California en los recogiendo fresas mediados de los años 2000 por un aparcero Mixteco, y las transiciones de trabajar a nivel local en el condado de Skagit comienzo en 2007 en Sakuma Brothers Farms y varios otros productores locales.

Pineda explicó que el problema que están experimentando tiene que ver con el ciclo del cultivo y de la organización del trabajo a Sakuma Brothers Farm. La mayoría de los trabajadores agrícolas migrantes provienen de tres cultivos diferentes, Fresas en junio, en julio, arándanos y moras en agosto.

La mayor parte de las cuestiones salariales que los trabajadores han tenido a lo largo de los años han sido con delicados, las fresas y los arándanos intensivos altamente perecederos, y el trabajo, que requieren un control de calidad superior a las moras. Blackberries también se les paga más alta, en el momento en $ 4,25 por caja mercado de productos frescos, mientras que los arándanos en la actualidad se están pagando en $ 3,50 por caja de mercado de productos frescos.

También explicó que el fin de ganar bien con unidad de obra, es importante que los trabajadores rápidas para recoger de forma independiente, ya que su producción se completa con base en el número de trabajadores que hay por la compra. La forma en que Sakuma Brothers Farm ha organizado los equipos de recolección de este año ha colocado cuatro recolectores por la compra de la cosecha de arándanos, y se mantiene el estándar de dos recolectores por la compra de la cosecha de moras. Pineda explicó que esto se ha desviado de la norma que se utilizaron para la cosecha de arándanos en los últimos años y esto ha hecho que sea difícil para los trabajadores ganan lo suficiente como para justificar su migración a Washington, sobre todo porque muchos de los trabajadores agrícolas han sido despedidos por múltiples razones, incluyendo el tiempo, la madurez de las bayas, la calidad de la cosecha, y por supuesto las huelgas. Los trabajadores temen que Sakuma Brothers Farms está participando en una estrategia de terminación constructiva, que es por qué estaban tan inflexible acerca de tener un documento escrito como prueba de que no habría represalias por sus paros.

La cosecha blackberry comenzó hace tres semanas, en esas tres semanas, Sakuma Brothers Farms se ha desviado de las normas anteriores de reconocimiento de antigüedad a favor de los trabajadores que fueron empleados desde el comienzo de la cosecha de la fresa. Él dice: "Ahora es al revés, los inmigrantes que ni siquiera se han trasladado a las cabinas, sin embargo, han comenzado a trabajar en la cosecha de moras." Explicó que debido a la vivienda que se dedican a los 170 trabajadores huéspedes que Sakuma Brothers Farms solicitaron para cosechar moras, hay familias de trabajadores agrícolas migrantes que acaban de llegar de California que viven en condiciones de hacinamiento dentro de las cabinas de sus familias en los campos de trabajo. Los trabajadores agrícolas de Familias Unidas por la Justicia no están en contra de estos otros trabajadores migrantes ni los trabajadores huéspedes H-2A, y no les preocupa que si hay poco trabajo y muchos trabajadores que actualmente son despedidos, lo que va a pasar con ellos?

Es precisamente por eso el 12 de agosto de 2013, Rosalinda Guillén, Director Ejecutivo de la Comunidad de la Comunidad presentó la siguiente denuncia ante el Departamento de Trabajo pidiendo una investigación completa y la revocación de la Sakuma Brothers Farms solicitud de 170 H-2A para trabajadores invitados cosecha de moras.

A pesar de esta denuncia, la Asociación para el Trabajo Washington Granja (WAFLA) bajo la dirección de Dan Fazio ha sido ocupada la presentación de denuncias de venta libre, en un intento desesperado para ayudar a Sakuma Brothers Farms, Inc. entrar en cumplimiento con el Departamento de Trabajo, que supervisa el programa H-2A para el gobierno federal de los EE.UU..

Organización de Fazio es una empresa de consultoría en todo el estado que se especializa en ayudar a los productores corporativos moverse mucho de los códigos y normativas vigentes necesarias para evitar reclamaciones fraudulentas, abuso de poder y la explotación cuando se trata de trabajo, inmigración, y el acoso sexual. Más recientemente, Fazio habló en defensa de los productores carecen de la rendición de cuentas por sus prácticas de contratación negligente de los supervisores que flagrantemente violan a las mujeres en el lugar de trabajo en una entrevista con KUOW, culpando a la cultura mexicana por acoso sexual en el lugar de trabajo, dijo, "No me t quiero sonar políticamente incorrecto, pero la discriminación es sólo algo que ocurre en la cultura mexicana. "(KUOW informe)
Un contratista de trabajadores registrados, Dan Fazio ha avanzado agresivamente las necesidades especiales de interés de su industria a nivel local, estatal y nacional. WAFLA es un firme defensor y un fuerte grupo de presión para la actual legislación de la reforma migratoria, que debido a sus grandes concesiones en régimen de subcontratación a través de la introducción del nuevo trabajador agrícola y visas W sería subsidiar en gran medida la industria de contratación laboral, con dinero de los impuestos federales. WAFLA también ha estado apoyando a la gestión ejecutiva de Sakuma Brothers Farms, Inc. lo más probable, ya que su solicitud inicial de H-2A trabajadores invitados, antes de que este año paros históricos.

Es por lo tanto ninguna sorpresa ver que la estrategia de relaciones públicas Sakuma Brothers Farms ha sido afirmar que este conflicto laboral es más bien un malentendido cultural, culpando a la cultura y la lengua indígena, cuestionando estos granja inteligencia trabajadores en una reciente Skagit Valley Herald artículo , "el síntoma de un problema más grande." Por otra parte, el abogado laboral del Sakuma, Adam S. Belzberg, ha tenido una fuerte presencia en WAFLA conferencias sobre la gestión del trabajo.

Este es sin duda un síntoma de problemas más grandes, que creemos que es un intento de barrer los conflictos laborales válidos bajo la alfombra con el fin de tener acceso a una nueva fuerza de trabajo de la marca que es menos probable que mantenga su empleador responsable. Los trabajadores H-2A son vulnerables precisamente porque su contrato dice que ellos no pueden hacer huelga, ni seguir trabajando, si no cumplen con los estándares de producción aún más altos que los trabajadores migrantes han estado disputando durante el mes pasado.

Familias Unidas por la Justicia es un nuevo liderazgo campesino emergente que está dibujando la línea y exigir los derechos de trabajadores agrícolas, diciendo: ¡Ya Basta! ¿Será este el liderazgo capaz de sostener una lucha con fuerza contra tales probabilidades en contra de ellos? Esto es lo que está en juego.


Alex Warn dijo...

The stiffness and the strength of the penis completely depend on blood circulation and with the consumption of these pills you can improve the blood flow in your body that can give you a better erection. LNG Active Male Enhancement

Alex Warn dijo...

The drugs help user adhere to a strict diet and user loses weight by doing exercises. This diet pill contains stimulant that keeps the user going even when it is taking fewer meals. It is a perfect weight control medicine. Eliz Keto

Alex Warn dijo...

NEVER rely only on one diet plan. Switch, tweak and update according to the changes you see on your weight radar. Keto Jolt

Alex Warn dijo...

Seafood and beef and avoid eating the same meat choices consecutively. This way, you will not get bored with eating the same kinds of foods. Wonder Full Keto

Ggghdv Grhhfg dijo...

ACV Plus Keto - Apple Cider Vinegar + Plus
Unluckily, there are dietary supplements accessible that are of tons harm to your frame even as there are others that are doing not anything; exact or terrible. ACV Plus Keto - Apple Cider Vinegar + Plus is a complement that has been making rounds inside the market currently. Human beings are speaking about it on their social media money owed.

Healthclub dijo...

Elements of Luxe Trim Keto BHB weight-reduction plan
Well, finding the key elements of this diet is so simple due to the fact everything is available within the name. The Luxe Trim Keto BHB components includes BHB ketones (Magnesium Beta Hydroxybutyrate, Calcium Beta Hydroxybutyrate, Sodium Beta Hydroxybutyrates) as the primary compound.

healthtips dijo...

Aspect results of ultra InstantKeto ?
From time to time those keto tabs may additionally result in dehydration, nausea, increase heart rate, excessive blood strain, agitation, diarrhea, kidney troubles, and Lever damage and muscle groups discomfort. If the side results persist, you're counseled to forestall the consumption of these tablets; in any other case, it's far secure to use. Facet consequences of fat burner drugs rely upon how frequently one utilizes it. As a result, make sure you seek advice from a doctor earlier than you start your weight reduction capsules due to the fact it may damage you if now not taken as prescribed.

Healthclub dijo...

Where to buy ultra Sure Cleanse Keto ?
Ultra Sure Cleanse Keto is a product this is only to be had online. You can't purchase this product from a pharmacy store or any retail shop. You may simplest purchase it from the authentic website by following a few clean steps. You need to refill a few records wished for shipping functions. After confirming your order, you may get your product after some days. The manufacturer of Sure Cleanse Keto additionally gives a money-back guarantee, if you are not cozy with this product or it does not give the desired results, you may get your cash-lower back.

Healthclub dijo...

Sure Cleanse Keto weight loss plan – weight reduction formula “SALE price” purchase NOW
Purchase your perfect frame!
Sure Cleanse Keto weight-reduction plan – let’s talk about weight-reduction plan. It’s plenty easier for quite a few than for other, and that’s why dietary supplements like Sure Cleanse Keto weight loss plan slimming pills may be observed.

Healthclub dijo...

Keto Twenty One
The complement worlds are the exceptional or the fast, for you to assist to complete all issues. No matter that at which gender you're, belong because this components is for all varieties of human beings or you will start at any age. People think that weight loss dietary supplements are faux enough that by no means help to clear up out the problem or as well offers the person with a few greater destructive complications. Before considering some thing else, you have to first get the reviews or information. Here i'm telling you the information of Keto Twenty One and Trim 800 system that how it'll paintings or effect on the personal lifestyles.

Healthclub dijo...

Sure Cleanse Keto
substance to improve the weight decline goal satisfactorily. Weight loss program Keto is primary method to control consume up your fats for hugeness in which it'll change the muscle to fat volume as a gas to the intensity of frame that redesigns your thriving and keeps you recognize thought with their shape will final on an consuming routine.

healthtips dijo...

Super Keto Burn Reviews
This slimming product is generally supplied within the shape of a tablet sold in a bottle of thirty drugs. Thanks to its a hundred% natural ingredients, it is unique and protects you from the damaging aspect effects of a classic ketogenic food plan.

healthtips dijo...

Supplement Reviews
The people who have used this product are seeing admirable consequences. It offers no aspect outcomes owing to the presence of natural components. It is always hard to find the excellent complement these days.

healthtips dijo...

• Raspberry Ketones Supplement Reviews
That is perhaps the most critical element on this complement. If you need to increase the number of ketones for your frame in a herbal way, you then must use raspberry ketones. These are exogenous ketones, and they shift the frame from the carb cycle to the short cycle.

healthtips dijo...

Luxe Trim Keto
Oh yeah, you can also lose weight, experience higher and look higher.Consuming much less entails taking in fewer energy. This means now not overeating or eating fatty meals or high sugar ingredients. Also, averting snacks between food and consuming smaller portions is going a protracted way in helping you control your weight. That is simpler said than achieved. However this is the primary principle in the back of dieting.

Ggghdv Grhhfg dijo...

How can i've this weight loss pill? Supplement Reviews
All you have to do is go to the producer’s internet site and vicinity your order there. Supplement Reviewsadditionally take advantage in their timely provide for your weight loss product. Hurry up so you do now not lose this opportunity.

Healthclub dijo...

What is Supplement Reviews weight reduction system?
It's far a super system that carries the world-class substances that paintings for his or her closing cause. This is equally famous amongst all. Each men and women can use this product to lose appreciable weight loss. This product doesn’t only lose weight, however it presents a super answer on your ordinary health. There are numerous benefits to the usage of this method. The elements used on this product are very useful, and they showed great and admirable effects for users round the sector. The correct mixture of those ingredients gives the entirety you want to lose weight.!DXYDrzat:biz-nutrition

Healthclub dijo...

Low Carb Diet Drinking greater water results in cleansing of the body, wherein the germs and foreign substances go away the frame. Don’t eat junk food including burgers, shawarma, and pizzas because it results in weight benefit. In case you perform the ordinary exercise, you'll see an improvement for your body and stamina.!1iZfMr6S:fitness.-performance.-life_

Ggghdv Grhhfg dijo...

Low Carb Diet supplement isn't advocated to
• This weight reduction complement isn't for curing any other excessive problems and situations.
• Do not want to take it underneath 18 years and above from 60 years
• in case you are on every other medications than no want to take the unmarried dose of Low Carb Diet.

Healthclub dijo...

What is Luxe Trim Weight Loss weight-reduction plan?
Luxe Trim Weight Loss food plan is a weight loss product that have to be your nice precedence while picking the very satisfactory weight reduction system. This item consists of organic and herbal substances. Most effective due to those additives, the item indicates brilliant outcomes.

Healthclub dijo...

Luxe Trim Weight Loss
How need to you are taking the supplement?
For first-class effects, you are cautioned to take the tablets on a regular length, two times daily. Do now not pass this limit and prefer consuming loads of water to maintain the frame hydrated. For better consequences take all physical games and exercises to burn greater energy.!hVqwifMW:luxe-trim-1-reviews-%7Bshark-tank-pills%7D-scam-or-not%3F

Ggghdv Grhhfg dijo...

A manner to consume Luxe Trim Weight Loss
5. Luxe Trim Weight Loss dose amount or the regularity may be remember allots.
6. Take capsules in an afternoon is the outstanding dose of Keto match.
7. You need to add one tablet within the morning after breakfast with Luke warmth water.
Eight. Take some other tablet in a night time time before going to a mattress.!hVqwifMW:luxe-trim-1-reviews-%7Bshark-tank-pills%7D-scam-or-not%3F

Ggghdv Grhhfg dijo...

How Ketogenic Tier 2 Keto Works for Weight control
Are you obese or having a better fat ratio quantity than the ordinary? You simply come to the proper location. This top notch answer to your body will raise the frame working competencies to transport fast or work as an lively frame. It will stimulate the mind cells capacity or make able to overall performance properly. Someone who begins using the Ketogenic Tier 2 Keto capsules will never worn-out or feeling the fatigued symptoms for the entire day.!ldEtgops:tier-2-keto-reviews-2020-%7Bscam-pills-or-a-legit-deal%3F%7D-%7C-wudang-mountain

Ggghdv Grhhfg dijo...

Insta Keto
• in line with a few studies, Garcinia Cambogia fruit can prevent fat synthesis on your body, consequently, contributing towards weight loss.
• It also allows in controlling levels of cholesterol, which makes it a terrific agent in your coronary heart.
• Garcinia Cambogia for weight reduction takes some other course through suppressing or curtailing your immoderate appetite to make certain a lesser consumption of meals altogether.

Healthclub dijo...

Bluoxyn Male Enhancement
• It provides absolutely happy sexual gratification.
• It also complements the level of libido that bring about greater sex power.
• It improves the level of strength and energy inside the body.
• It maximizes the sexual performance in the bed.
• It also complements the shape of lean muscles.
• It gives the endurance stage on height.
• the size of male intercourse organ receives increased.
• It gives whole sexual health with better fitness.
• those tablets are authorised by using FDA.

Ggghdv Grhhfg dijo...

Luxe Trim Weight Loss
What are the cons of the pill? :
• under teenage kids are on a ban from usage
• avoid the every day drinking of alcohol for results!hVqwifMW:luxe-trim-1-reviews-%7Bshark-tank-pills%7D-scam-or-not%3F

Ggghdv Grhhfg dijo...

Bluoxyn Male Enhancement
Professionals of the product:
• growth the patience feature
• Get a higher form of more difficult penis
• We confident all the consequences quick

Ggghdv Grhhfg dijo...

Keto Trim 800
This product that is called Keto Trim 800 South Africa has substantially created a huge weight loss revolution that changed into lengthy waited for. It has additionally modified the antique perception that weight loss is a tough recreation. Now get thrilled through the usage of it to get a slender figure!!vCM2thYg:keto-trim-800-reviews-scam-or-a-legit-deal%3F-%7C-wudang-mountain

Ggghdv Grhhfg dijo...

How to purchase? Highway 87 Keto
We want to assist you to realize that now you can very without difficulty purchase your own % of this supplement by without problems and fast ordered for it by way of visiting with none form of put off its most important authentic website. The pleasant webpage supplied by way of us will help you out get this product without any problem.

Healthclub dijo...

Biogenix Rx
We realize how big a trouble dropping your sexual strength and sexual stamina is! But the conditions aren't the same anymore as Biogenix Rx factors is now here with us. The satisfactory solution to sexual dysfunctions is that this product with a view to honestly in a brief time improve your sexual performance!

Healthclub dijo...

Tier 2 Keto
These substances are helpful in uplifting the ketosis method for your frame and deliver a boost in your metabolic price. The ketosis method approach the discount in stored weight in a wholesome manner by using changing it into higher electricity which makes you active all day long. The components are referred to on the back of its bottle and few of them are:-
• BHB (beta-hydroxybutyrate)

Healing Equilibrium dijo...

Charge: BizNutrition
The rate of Weight Lose Diet Plan may be very affordable in step with other weight reduction supplements available in the market. They rate too much or even didn’t give effective outcomes. They declare that their dietary supplements.

healthtips dijo...

Keto Twenty One It without a doubt enables in boosting your stamina and decreases your pressure and makes you tension loose. The principle elements of this supplement are:
• Apple Cider Vinegar
• inexperienced Tea

Healthclub dijo...

In which to buy? : Keto Go Fit
Keto pinnacle can be now easily sold by using everybody who is interested in short and secure weight loss simply by means of right now touring after which going via our respectable and essential internet site that has been specially created for this product.

Healthclub dijo...

Luxe Trim Keto Weight Lose Nowadays we got here up with a new weight loss plan complement known as Luxe Trim Keto Weight Lose eating regimen. Attending a new weight loss plan complement that has gone viral these days pleasurable all its customers with its powerful and permanent solution.

Healthclub dijo...

Where to shop for Keto BodyTone ?
Currently, the Keto high eire weight loss product is available most effective on our authentic website. You need to click on on the link given at the cease of this evaluate and observe the guidance given over there for you. Once after a hit price, it will likely be introduced to your step in 3 days.!BL7PdODM:keto-bodytone-(purefit)-reviews-2020-%7Badvanced-weight-loss%7D

Healthclub dijo...

1blog-Gratuit we are introducing for you a permanent answer in your obesity and obese that makes you suit and helps you to get narrow and that is popularly known as 1 Blog Gratuit weight loss program. That is the excellent weight reduction components that offers you wholesome and short weight loss by growing your power and lowering urge for food.

Fitness World for everyone dijo...

1blog-Gratuit This method incorporates BHB, Ketone, inexperienced Tea, inexperienced espresso, caffeine and many greater components that immediately assist in melting the extra fat out of your frame and gives you performance to perform for the entire day.!LJ-2xO2c:home-1blog-gratuit

Healthclub dijo...

How to Order Ketogeniks Keto ?
It isn't always hard to buy Ketogeniks Ketodue to the fact it's miles without problems to be had online on reputable website. You simply ought to visit there and then refill vital details like as call, deal with, touch quantity and so forth. After deciding on mode of fee, you can easily get it at your private home. Or you may also order it after clicking under photograph!!

Healthclub dijo...

How does Super Keto Burn Works?
As you stated already this being a herbal product this has been combined by using using numerous organic extracts growth across the us. All this substances used in this product will increase your ketosis and positioned your frame in a state of ketosis so long as feasible so you can lose your more body fats correctly.

Healthclub dijo...

Precautions for Keto Trim 800 :
In spite of any side effect there are few precautions which you must hold in mind at the same time as the usage of this. They're:
• This complement is designed for the individuals who above 18 years vintage
• You have to keep it far from the kids

Healing Equilibrium dijo...

It Improves Your electricity degree:
Keto Blaze Xtreme You could accept as true with That your strength stage will increase to the first-rate extent and also you’ll receive busy all the time. It’s all due to the cause Keto Blaze Xtreme Garcinia is tremendous for enhancing your power stage and also for enhancing your metabolism. If your electricity degree is probably first rate than your actual functionality also are great and that may even the first-class manner to fight extra fat of your entire frame.

Healthclub dijo...

The way to use it?
Serexin Male Enhancement The usage of this male sexual fitness product that is in fact completely herbal in its overall and also middle making and is also one which is in all of the approaches a secure one to your health is extraordinarily easy. Your dream for a higher kind of sex will be grew to become in to a reality via this great male health pill.

Healthclub dijo...

New You Keto If you are searching out a product which can produce outcomes for you with out displaying any awful effect then additionally you are inside the right region. This item is suggested by using many medical doctors and it's been examined as well in many instances in labs.

Ggghdv Grhhfg dijo...

Berkeley Dietary Keto The manufacturers declare that their product is so famous and loves due to the fact the customers love it. They have got thousands of happy clients all over the us of a. Since their paintings is actual and result-giving, clients maintain coming again to them and recommending them to others too.

Ggghdv Grhhfg dijo...

Andezal – Get Reliably Healed of intercourse problems!
Andezal The occurring and the start of the male sexual dysfunctions date lower back to long years back and with reference to whether humans want it or no longer at a point in time, it's far going to expose up in the men in particular of the older technology. Now because of the stressful type of agenda and the huge variety of working hours that one places at paintings those functions additionally begin to reveal up in many a lower aged guy and also all through the time of one’s teenage.

HealthZone dijo...

Slim X Nature Keto
•It offers you the electricity that most of the people lose while they're over forty years of age. You’ll feel like your frame has been rejuvenated through the usage of this complement.
•Slim X Nature Keto facilitates to reduce your weight because obesity is one of the foremost reasons of other frame sicknesses.

Nurture And Nurse dijo...

Nature Crave Keto Both the topic of discussion is the wholesome ketogenic eating regimen or exogenous ketones the extensive component that builds up balanced eating regimen is understanding BHB. It thoroughly can be a befuddling subject matter. However, BHB might be demystified by clarifying it from certain corners.

HealthZone dijo...

Its elements
Slim X Nature Keto This product is synthetic with 100% natural substances which are exceedingly powerful to boom the fee of fats burn. This product increases your metabolism fee and offers you effective long-time outcomes.

Healthzoneforeveryone dijo...

Spark Keto components
Spark Keto has a few ingredients you may not actually have heard of. But, all their research on those components changed into accomplished with the aid of the producers, and only after that was introduced to their complement. Permit’s observe the components.

Rongjinglee dijo...

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Healing Equilibrium dijo...

Other components used in it are-
•sexy Goat Weed
•Wild Yam Extract
•Nettle extract
•L- Arginine

Nurture And Nurse dijo...

Lemon Extract:
Pure Crave Keto To say lemon extract is a curious addition to the elements listing is a real understatement.

Nurture And Nurse dijo...

What approximately go back?
Pure Crave Keto Additionally, this is provided that customers can also return it in the event that they did not get best consequences. However the go back scheme is to be had only for 30 days from the acquisition date.

Tienda de aloe vera dijo...

Tienda de Aloe VeraEl aloe vera (también conocida por muchos como sábila, planta de la inmortalidad o aloe de barbados) es una plata con propiedades muy beneficiosas para el cuerpo humano, tanto para usos cosméticos como para la medicina. El aloe vera se utiliza desde muchos años atrás, sobre todo en el cuidado del cabello y la piel.

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